Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Fo' Real Real

Hey Guys...

I've been a bit under the weather that's why I have been absent this last five days. And by under the weather you could basically classify me as six feet under. This year was a weird Christmas, it was my first one away from my family but I spent it with Logan and his family and it was actually really nice. It is kind of weird to adapt to another families traditions and Christmas Rituals. Its almost like learning about a different countries culture. The present passing order, or who opens what when. Logan is VERY anal about who stacks the presents where. Though I didn't get my gift card I really wanted.

(If you so choose to get me a 10 or 25 dollar gift card to WHAT I REALLY wanted it takes three minutes and just have it sent to the email address it'd make my Christmas season.)

So I have new photos up on Boy Crush. It was actually my first porn shoot! So I'll have to give it a whole "Memories" blog soon. It turned out pretty good, though I sing in it again... yikes! But hey, Brian from Boy Crush did say I could be known as the singing porn star!

Citiboyz Studios did say they wanna work with me they just don't know when yet! So this is exciting news. Still no news from Atlanta....

Coming up soon.

1.) My Photos from my shoot.

2.) Logan's blog on dating a porn star.

3.) Me shamelessly asking for gift cards

love you guys

Gift Card Section..


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