Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Delicate Bromance


1. A non-sexual relationship between two men that are unusually close.

-verb -mans-ing
1. The act of wooing a fellow male friend for the purpose of becoming closer.
2. Going to unusual lengths in an attempt to become closer with another male friend.

I thought it would be an interesting day to talk about the Bromance today since all I am hearing today is about Logan's bromance drama! For those of you who don't know what it is I have posted the definition above. I thought it would be interesting to pose the question, Is a bromance possible in the gay community between two guys, or does the fact that we both have sex with males just make this a full on crush?

Logan is recently engaged in a serious bromance with a straight co-worker, and they are annoyingly close. (And no not in a sexual way, the straight guy, Matt would stick his cock in any vagina that would let him.) The two of them do everything together, they go out together, they work together, they read the same books, they go play games together, it is kinda annoying but I do value the amount they mean to each other. They would do anything for each other, minus help the other achieve orgasm. So I think this is a legit bromance... Though they are on the verge of a bro-breakup and get this... OVER A GIRL!!!

But the real question I have is do you think a bromance is possible with two gay guys? Or is that just underlying sexual tension. Logan and I started as friends... Then the boy popped my cherry.... And now I do porn. Did you know I've only NOT been a virgin for less then a year and now I do porn! Crazy.

Okay I get about 700 hits a day... So lets hear some thoughts, you can post anon if you wanna.

<3 Aiden


Benneh said...

I think its sweet that your fella has a fagstag. Let them be. I mean, at the end of the day he's with you still, so is it jealousy that is ringing in your ear, or do you miss his company now that he's spending so much time with his bro?

Anonymous said...

It's definitely possible. As a straight female I can develop an emotional attraction to a guy where you can pretty much adore the guy as a friend but have seriously no desire to do anything sexual with him.

Didn't you know you were gay before you got with Logan? Because if you did, that's seriously not the same thing as what's going on with this straight guy.

Logan's laidback enough to let you do porn so his bro-mance seems like it should be less likely to inspire jealousy than someone doing porn. Or is it the fact there's some kind of intellectual and emotional (but not sexual) attraction between them that makes it seem worse?

Aiden Ash said...

Fagstag! I like it!

I think I may have come off as a bit more bitter then I intended. I don't discourage Mattie and Logan at all. (It is just that Mattie and I have a rivalry for Logan's attention.) Maybe I have some suppressed emotions I am not aware of that came out in the blog.

Right now, Logan and Matt are in a tiff over a girl, that Logan has been friends with for almost 15 years and Mattie is swooping in to date her, and Logan won't have it.

Alot of it is Logan is being the protective big brother type and thinks Mattie is too much of a man whore for his girl. Though tonight the boys seem to be working it out. Lots of I love you mans going on. *Barf*

We'll see what happens. Thanks for the feedback. I am starting to question any secret resentment I have for Mattie.

Anonymous said...

I think it depends on a number of factors. Like I have "bromances" with a couple of people but they are around your age and boundaries were set by both parties at the start. I am not attracted to one of the guys at all and he doesn't really get into daddy types. So that works.

But if its two gay guys that seem to fit in with each others tastes in men it may not work, because one will sooner or later cross a boundary and either they will fuck or end up parting as friends.

I hate to say it but a good number of gay guys think with their cocks more than their hearts.
