Sunday, February 8, 2009

Oh boy, Mason Wyler makes me sore!!!

Hey guys I would say I'm sorry for not updating but... There is not much to say other then I am waiting on the 11th so I can work with Ashton Cooper! What have I been doing in the mean time?

Working out with Mason Wyler of course! That's right Mason, Marcus (his boyfriend) and I have been hitting the gym. (If you were wondering why Logan isn't hitting the gym with us... well, I don't know you should ask him what his excuses are today. Is he too tired? Too broke? I think its just being lazy.) My whole body is sore everyday but the boys are great personal trainers, we should be seeing some ab-action in the next few weeks.

Why am I doing this? Most companies want the college jock look and the defined chest look! I'm making the twink circuit while I can but most sites won't hire you more then a few times, the ones that used boys over and over are the big studios and if I want to work for them I am going to need a big studio body. So with the help of one of porn's top names and his mastermind partner I hope within a year to be big studio ready! (And Logan, in a year you'll just get fat and lazy unless you join the gym too. He says he's intimidated by Mason and Marcus.) Basically, I'm trying to get a body where I can get steady work being a sexy boy.

So what is everyone doing for Valentine's Day? Logan said he had big plans, but then his brakes stopped working. Like literally he says he hit the breaks and the car kept moving. Luckily he wasn't hurt nor was anyone else and he just coasted to a stop, then his phone busted... So now he has to pay for all that and I may have to help him make a school payment. (He's not a mooch I swear, just hard luck!) So, it looks like we may be having a simple Valentine's day this year. And on Feburary 21st is our one year anniversary, but see above. We were gonna go see Legally Blond the musical but we'll see if some strange miracle pops up and we get to.

What are you guys doing for Love day.... Hot dates? Orgies? Burning all Boyfriends Photos? C'mon guys let me know!

See ya soon,


Oh... Rumor is once a week Mason may be posting my progress working out. We have a solid plan that will be revealed at a later date.

1 comment:

letsbevain said...

well that's pretty hot that you are getting trained by one of the bests! lucky lad!
