Friday, August 28, 2009

"Bros Before Hos"

So tonight I sit at home due to a violation of the Bros Before Hos policy... For those of you who do not know what this is, it is the policy that you do not put your hormonal urges before your friendships that will surely outlast your fling. So since someone put their hopes and in a man and told me they didn't feel like socializing with anyone tonight. So instead of seeing what is bound to be a classic, THE FINAL DESTINATION in 3D, I am sitting here. Also, I am really feeling my age because Brent Corrigan is in town dancing and I can't go because I am so young. So I have to hit the gym so I can dance with Mason when I convince him to perform at Meteor.

Job hunting is going well, I had two interviews today. One for a waiter gig and the other is a woman's boutique. (Stop Laughing!) But hey at this point a job is a job right!

I really had a lot more to talk about but then I started watching T.V.... I'll be back tomorrow with a real post...

Whoa... Total Brain Fart.

<3 Aiden


Anonymous said...

seems like everyone I talk to is having a heck of a time finding a job- good luck with the interviews

Anonymous said...

If U R ever up my way, still unemployed & lkn 4 work, I'll be glad 2 give you a blow-job!

- Dangling Chad

James said...

Good luck. I sort of hpe you get the women's boutique job. The stories you'll have!

SceneShop Steve said...

Good luck with the job search, Aiden.. and keep the photos coming.

Unknown said...

hey what happened to mason's blog? i see it got booted by blogger... is he going to start a new one somewhere?
