Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Time For A Quick One...

Hey guys sorry it has been over a week. We've had some issues at home. Logan gets really bad migraines and is showing the same symptoms his Grandmother showed before she had brain clotting and passed. So we've been doing the R&R thing and need to get him to the doctor next week for a CatScan and all that jazz. (Not to mention and ENT for his jacked up vocal cords.)

And on the weekends I've been hitting the club scene hardcore. I know I should take the five minutes to update. Lots to talk about. I may have to hold out on some of it for later.

I've spent ALOT of time at the Wyler house hanging out with the guys as Logan does his sleep alot thing at home. We are working on getting me a contracted job come January so I can do some porn again. I guess it hasn't been that long but a month and a half feels like it has been forever!

I am still without a power cord that is why the updates are far and few between. Not exactly wanting. Www.AidenAsh.com to be one of the family computers most visited sites!

Okay, if I don't update tonight I promise I'll give you a REAL update tomorrow.

<3 Aiden

1 comment:

James said...

Take care of Logan! Hugs to you both.
