I make no secret of the fact that I live with Logan and his family, you can laugh if you want but it is really a great arrangement and I really enjoy living with my foster family. There really are not real rules except we have to do dishes and clean up once in a while. It is like renting a room I don't have to pay for. (Or if you ask Logan, one I don't have to clean.) But anyone who knows me would know that Logan's family is more like my first family now, since my other family seems to think I'm the anti christ because of who I like to share a bed with. So this week Logan's 15 year old brother who we already knew was a pot head, leaves his door wide open with his bong and a tin of "altoids" laying out in plain view. So Logan goes in and takes it out, but sees he's MySpace is open and since we are asked to do weekly inspections of the kids room he looks at this e-mails and finds out the kid is in a mountain of trouble. Everything from who the kid is banging to who he gets his drugs from. Now, I'm not gonna tell you if its wrong or right to smoke pot, if you do that is your business, if you don't that is your business. The reason this is such an issue is A.) There is a zero tolerance policy for anything illegal in this house. B.) The kid is into alot more then pot. (Acid, Cocaine, and other nasties. Forgive me if those nasties are your pleasures, they're just not mine.) C.) He is repeating his freshman year of high school because he didn't pass because he skipped so much to go do these fun little drugs or would get high in school and would sit the whole day in DMC. So that was a huge issue around here this week. Oh, and last night Logan's Mom gets her camera back from the 15 year old and it turns out the idiot took photos of him and all his 15 year old friends with bongs and getting high on her camera and forgot to delete them! This kid is on the fast track to success I think!
The job search. Logan has forced me to ride with him every where he goes and drives through every strip center we come to and makes me run inside for applications. (Unfortunately most places are now doing online applications, which is frustrating because I am prettier in person than I am on paper.) So I have been going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, to places. I had three interviews that went no where. Hell, one even mailed me a letter of regret. I would have much rather been told no on the phone when I called then to get the perfumed postcard that told me with roses and smiles that they were "Impressed by my talent and what I have to offer, but (they) just can't use it at this time." Fuck you, you're a story for fat ladies anyway. (Forgiveness asked from all the fat ladies.) But those of you who follow me on Twitter will know that I had two job interviews from the same company. It isn't the most glamorous job in the world but it'll do for now. Okay... Here it goes... I have my third interview for a restaurant called STRAIGHTS. I'm not even joking. Logan's family will not stop hassling me about this. Come on everyone get your gay jokes out of your system. I'll wait...
You done?
How about now?
Okay, so anywho, I have my third interview and it is in a really upscale area so it should be good money.
But Aiden what about porn you ask? Well, I am still doing porn! I just have not been able to be as active as I'd like because a few things. I have to have a steady income or they are gonna take Iron Lad (My car) away from me! And I can't drive Iron Lad if I am not insured! (Does anyone know where the name Iron Lad comes from?) And I would have not had to get rush to get a job if the person who was acting as my agent had not just abandoned me. Supposedly I was supposed to have a shoot the last weekend of August. Well, after no e-mail contact back to me or not calling back after I called him probably 20 times I figured the shoot, (My bills for September) were not gonna happen and I had to go out on the job search. I know... I know... Everyone has to get a job but that just makes it harder for me to do porn work. (And no I will not name any names in this scenario, I will just learn from it and not do anything with this company again. It has almost been a month and since I last heard from them.) But never fear, I have plenty of work out there that is still going to be posted. I am going to take this down time to work on my body and put things first that I had put on the back burner. I guess I really never took this whole recession thing into consideration for real real... I live in Houston and our economy is booming down here. The only real effects we can see are things done from companies with their national headquarters are somewhere other than here. So long story short --- Yes I want to still do porn. But I gotta put my "survival" first.
And now the big one... We went to a house party last night. It was good times. All of our local crew getting together for some Drinking, Rock Band, and Steak And Shake. But this guy was there Tyler and he was invited by Logan. He has known Logan longer then I have and I know Logan used to have some serious crushage on him. So last night they spent most of the night drunk and alone together out on the patio while we were inside playing drinking games. I'm really not trying to be the jealous paranoid woman, (Forgiveness asked from all jealous paranoid women) but I dunno what was so interesting outside that wouldn't have been just as interesting inside. Then after we got home at 4:30 am, Logan was continuing to text Tyler till well past I went to sleep. I asked Logan what on Earth could be so interesting that late in the early morning. He said they were continuing their discussion on Christian Salvation and Homosexuals... What's your take on this guys?
And finally The Wylers... Well, I'm not always a Wyler boy. Sometimes I'm in the club sometimes I am not. Right now they are in the middle of a big move, (They chose to move closer to me so I can see them more!) so WylerNation will be up and running soon I think. If not I can try to keep you updated on what's going on with them but I can't tell you everything since it's not my place to be the town gossip. But if you ask me... I think... Nah, nevermind. ;)
<3 Aiden
YAHOO: TheAidenAsh
AIM: AidenAsh
Myspace: www.Myspace.com/TheAidenAsh
Twitter: TheAidenAsh
Email: AidenAsh89@gmail.com
Dudesnude: http://www.dudesnude.com/members/552529/
I have 2 thoughts on the Logan/Tyler situation.
First, I don't think Logan is up to anything. I don't think he would cheat on you. You are probably the hottest guy he has ever gotten he would be crazy to cheat.
But second, you have proven that you will probably never dump him. He makes fun of you sometimes and I don't think always has your best interest in mind. Also he has gotten out of shape since you started dating. If a guy ever gets fat while I am dating him I end it immediately. If he does not respect me enough to stay in shape then it is over. I take care of myself so my man should do the same for me.
I think Logan takes you for granted sometimes and does not appreciate you. I think you should demand that he treat you better and get himself into better shape. I am sure there are thousands of guys in Houston that would love to be your bf.
iron lad is a young avenger!!!!
I think that's a bit shallow Tony. I'm in decent shape myself. I don't work out but I've got a fast metabolism so I can get away with murder with how much I eat but it's not a level playing field for everyone. Someone could develop a thyroid condition and put a load of weight on without changing the amount they excercise or eat and some people are just meant to be bigger. I think you can tell how stocky someone is supposed to be by how thick their hands and fingers are. If someone has really thick fingers they're probably going to run to fat at some point unless they battle it their whole life which might involve being hungry all the time which would just be uncomfortable. If I was in a relationship with someone and they put on a load of weight it wouldn't be a dealbreaker in my eyes but I suppose it's just a matter of preference. If they suddenly started going really bald I would be more bothered by that (but of course they certainly couldn't help that.)
I think Logan is a keeper although Aiden is much hotter than him which must be difficult for Logan but if they're happy then what the hell. They're a bit like Mason and Marcus in that respect.
I agree Anonymous that here are different reasons people gain weight, but it is when people do not even try to get in shape that bothers me.
Aiden has written many times about going to the gym and the fact that Logan has not started to go with him or even try.
To me, I feel disrespected when my man loses control of himself and will not even try to get looking good. I just feel that it is my job to be in the best shape for my man, if he can't have the same respect for me, then we were never meant to be.
You are right that as long as Aiden is happy then it is fine, but you have to remember that Aiden has never had another boyfriend. He has no idea what he is missing out on and there are probably better guys for him out there.
I leave for a few days and nothing but drama.
Mmmmm. Should I really offer an opinion about Logan and his texting mate? I don't think so because it would be rude. I know neither of you and anything I say would be silly,
As a fat lady, I'll try to keep my hurt feelings to myself. :-)
Good luck with the job search. Enjoy the end of the summer.
Aiden - Sorry to hear you've been having such a tough time with the job hunt, Logan, etc. The deal with his kid brother is dangerous water, so be careful. You don't want to let the kid get into shit he can't get out of BUT you don't want to wrap yourself up in any more drama than you already have.
Hope you get back to your porn work soon ... too bad there's not enough money in that to keep you going for awhile. You're the best!
I have some family in H-town. I'll keep my ears open about any job opportunities I hear of.
Hey! I tried to follow you on Twitter but can't find you with the tag you posted on your blog.
Regarding getting Wyler Nation up and running again. Mason has a blog here:
It's mainly cross-posts from Wyler Nation but it should be easy for him to copy and paste the rest of the posts over there if the admins still have access to Wyler Nation and no one's going to bitch about "Terms of Service violations" if it's on his own site.
To Tony - If you're in great shape, I think it's reasonable to only date people who are also in great shape. It's the same as it's reasonable to only date people as good looking as you if you're really good looking or date people as hung as you or as financially solvent as you etc, etc.
On the other hand, didn't Logan's family basically take Aiden in when his own family kicked him out after he came out? In my eyes that makes up for the discrepency in how hot Aiden is and how hot Logan is. I think Logan is a really good guy. I can see your point of view though.
Aiden, good luck with everything and I have to say, my every impression of Logan from this blog- both your writings and his- is that he's a great guy and devoted to you. Be honest in your frustrations but cherish what you have. I hope more work opens up soon.. we miss seeing you!
Hope you have some luck on the job search and are feeling better.
I watched your BC scene with rad and agree its one of your best,, I have a post in drafts now.
Your posting today has motivated me to get off my ass and get the photos organized.
I love Boy Crush believe me but their not having an affiliate manager means I have to do all the work.
James Hey we run into each other in some interesting places, I added you to my blog roll.
Some-BODY needs a hug :)
- Dangling Chad
Yes we do run into each other! Are we stalking each other! :-) Thanks for the addition. I need to put something new up.
PS: glad to hear you are 85 percent better Aiden!
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