Found this on a
I'm an Gemini... Someone else is a Pieces a day away from Aires.
This is us with his Aires side. This is crazy accurate thus muddling my feelings even more. It's his Pieces that can be the problems with us...
When together Aries and Gemini are full of outrageous fun. Theirs is a romances without angst. Friends love to go out with them as well as gossip about them since their relationship is like a carefree and hugely entertaining sitcom. They talk and argue and make up, never sticking to one topic, never keeping to one plan. They simply follow their whims and seem quite happy to do so.
Aries and Gemini appear to be in flux at every stage of their life together. Though Aries says he is after commitment, neither he nor Gemini does much toward establishing permanence. Both make passionately effusive declarations of love, but seem baffled by what the next step should be. Even after they make a commitment, the relationship keep transforming itself into new forms to meet the changing emotional needs of Aries and Gemini.
Neither man has much of an attention span, yet each can maintain an interest in the relationship. Gemini with his lightning fast mind and ever shifting moods is a constant challenge to Aries. Aries, in turn, brings passion and energy to the detached Gemini. These two love talking to each other more than anything else. Each finds the other's mind fascinatingly unpredictable, a kind of puzzle one wants to spend a long time trying to solve.
The pair does share a restlessness. Moving, vacations, new activities – they will latch on to anything that can pull them away from old habits. Their many social commitments and their pursuit of new acquaintances are also intended to kept them from falling into a rut.
Because their life together goes through so many changes without moving in any one clear direction, outsiders might think that this couple is stuck. But owning property, living more upscale, and acquiring status are less important to these two than having an interesting time together. Some might label this as immaturity; others might call it enlightenment. Still, Aries will get frustrated at times with Gemini's aimlessness, while Gemini seethes over Aries' boorish brashness, which he thinks holds them back. In truth, both of them reinforces these traits in the other, so any "progress" in lifestyle is going to come from the effort of one individual, not from the two working together.
What this pair calls physical affection, most of us would consider goofing off. And what they call sex, most of us would also consider goofing off. Aries and Gemini treat sex as recreation rather than anything heavy, so their lovemaking is giddy and varied. They often switch roles and positions, but in general Aries likes to be the pursuer and Gemini the tease. Much more attention, and much more pleasure, is taken in the preliminaries than in sexual act themselves.
In dealing with the world, Aries and Gemini can be naïve. Intensely social, they interact with many people as a couple. However, neither is suspicious by nature, so it is hard for them to judge who their real friends are. This couple is particularly prone to breakups engineered by some manipulator in their social circle. Preying on Aries' jealousy and Gemini's flirtatiousness is enough to drive the wedge. Gemini is usually the first to catch on to what is happening, but Aries is the one who works hardest to patch things up.
Advice I've gotten:
[20:10] SNHERE: be open and honest about everything you are feeling, within reason that is
[20:10] SNHERE: maybe you should take him back
[20:10] SNHERE: and just have better communication skills
[20:10] SNHERE: talk to him about stuff like this
[20:11] SNHERE: Just be like, I feel like there is a problem
[20:11] SNHERE: and then talk about it
[20:11] SNHERE: be proactive, not reactive